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Executable File

Navpoint Desktop

This is a simple Python program that will run two HTTP servers. One listens on the computer's local IP address (e.g. 192.168.x.x), port 8888, to receive location updates from the Navpoint Mobile Android app. The other listens on (i.e. localhost), also on port 8888, for connections from a digital globe program such as Google Earth Pro, allowing that program to track the user's location. (Navpoint is not developed or endorsed by Google.)

Navpoint Desktop has a minimal GUI consisting only of a QR code. Simply scan the code in Navpoint Mobile to establish a connection. The phone and computer must be on the same Wi-Fi network; if a router is not available, enabling mobile hotspot on the phone and connecting the computer to that network should work well. An Internet connection is not needed; Navpoint works over a LAN.

Navpoint Desktop makes the geographic data available in KML format at The navpoint_link.kml file in this repository contains a link to this URL configured to update every three seconds; simply open this file in Google Earth or another compatible program to connect to Navpoint Desktop.


Navpoint Desktop is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0, except the files navpoint/ and navpoint/, which are released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International due to use of code published on Stack Overflow ( and

Navpoint Mobile is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.