import sys import random import time import contextlib import termios import timeout_decorator import os from blessings import Terminal term = Terminal() height = term.height width = term.width last_dir = 'x' class QuitGameError(BaseException): pass class RanIntoSomethingError(QuitGameError): pass if len(sys.argv) == 2: try: size = int(sys.argv[1]) if size <= 0 or size >= width-13: size = 7 except ValueError: size = 7 else: size = 7 score = 0 def draw_worm(): for location in worm_locations: print(term.move(*reversed(location)) + term.bright_blue('o'), end='') print(term.move(*reversed(worm_head)) + '@' + term.move(*reversed(worm_head)), end='') def draw_frame(): print(term.clear, end='') print(term.move(0, 0) + term.on_red(' worm') + term.bright_cyan_on_red('.py ') + ' Press ' + term.bold_green('I') + ' for info, ' + term.bold_red('Ctrl-C')+ ' to quit', end='') if score > -1: print(term.move(0, width-12) + f'Score:{" "*(4-len(str(score)))}{term.bright_green(str(score))}', end='') print(term.move(1, 0) + term.white_on_red('┌' + ('─' * (width-3)) + '┐'), end='') for y in range(2, height-1): print(term.move(y, 0) + term.white_on_red('│' + term.move(y, width-2) + '│'), end='') print( term.move(height-1, 0) + term.white_on_red('└') + term.white_on_red('─' * (width-3)) + term.white_on_red('┘') , end='') print(term.move(*reversed(bonus_location)) + term.on_green(str(bonus_points)), end='') draw_worm() sys.stdout.flush() def move_head(direction, distance): global size, worm_head, last_dir, worm_locations, bonus_location, bonus_points, score if direction not in 'hjklHJKLABCDwasdx': raise ValueError('argument to move_head() must be one of `hjklHJKLABCDwasdx`') if direction == 'x': return worm_locations.append(worm_head.copy()) worm_head = worm_head.copy() if direction in 'kKAw': #up worm_head[1] -= 1 last_dir = 'A' elif direction in 'jJBs': #down worm_head[1] += 1 last_dir = 'B' elif direction in 'hHDa': #left worm_head[0] -= 1 last_dir = 'D' elif direction in 'lLCd': #right worm_head[0] += 1 last_dir = 'C' while len(worm_locations) > size: worm_locations.pop(0) if worm_head in worm_locations \ or worm_head[1] <= 1 \ or worm_head[1] >= height-1 \ or worm_head[0] <= 0 \ or worm_head[0] >= width-2: raise RanIntoSomethingError() if worm_head == bonus_location: size += bonus_points score += bonus_points bonus_points = random.randint(1, 9) while worm_head == bonus_location or bonus_location in worm_locations: bonus_location = [ random.randint(1, width-3), random.randint(2, height-2), ] if distance > 1: move_head(direction, distance-1) @contextlib.contextmanager def decanonize(fd): old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) new_settings = old_settings[:] new_settings[3] &= ~termios.ICANON termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, new_settings) yield termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, old_settings) worm_y = height // 2 worm_locations = [[i+10, worm_y] for i in range(size)] worm_head = [size+10, worm_y] bonus_points = random.randint(1, 9) bonus_location = worm_head while worm_head == bonus_location or bonus_location in worm_locations: bonus_location = [ random.randint(1, width-3), random.randint(2, height-2), ] do_automove = True do_help = False @timeout_decorator.timeout(1) def run(*_): global do_automove, do_help if do_automove: move_head(last_dir, 1) draw_frame() do_automove = True while True: k = if k in 'hjklHJKLABCDwasd': move_head(k, 10 if k in 'HJKL' else 1) draw_frame() do_automove = False return elif k in '': # That string is Ctrl-C Ctrl-\, in case you editor doesn't handle # control characters as well as Vim does. sys.exit(0) elif k in 'iI': do_help = True return try: with term.fullscreen(): os.system('stty raw -echo') draw_frame() while True: if do_help: os.system('stty -raw') print(term.clear() + term.move(0, 0) + term.on_red(' worm') + term.bright_cyan_on_red('.py ') + f''' v1.0: bsdgames worm, ported to Python and improved See for source code and installation instructions. Thanks to the authors of the following libraries: * blessings\t\t{"")} * timeout-decorator\t{"")} Also, thanks to the devolopers of Python and bsdgames worm. It would have been much harder to port worm to Python if either if either worm or Python did not exist. Use the arrow keys or WASD to move. Try to get the green numbers, but don't let the worm run into itself or the red edge. To change the initial length of the worm, add the desired length of the worm after ``, as in ` 20` for a twenty-character-long worm. is released under the MIT license.''') print(term.move(height - 1, 0) + 'Press ' + term.bold('C') + ' to continue, ' + term.bold('Ctrl-C') + ' to exit the game...', end='') sys.stdout.flush() os.system('stty raw') while True: k = if k in 'cC': break elif k in '': # That string is Ctrl-C Ctrl-\, in case you editor doesn't handle # control characters as well as Vim does. sys.exit(0) os.system('stty -raw') print(term.clear() + term.move(0, 0) + term.on_red(' worm') + term.bright_cyan_on_red('.py ') + f''' Copyright and License Info Copyright (c) 2021 Samuel L. Sloniker Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ''' + term.bold('''THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.''')) print(term.move(height - 1, 0) + 'Press ' + term.bold('C') + ' to return to the game, ' + term.bold('Ctrl-C') + ' to exit...', end='') sys.stdout.flush() os.system('stty raw') while True: k = if k in 'cC': break elif k in '': # That string is Ctrl-C Ctrl-\, in case you editor doesn't handle # control characters as well as Vim does. sys.exit(0) do_help = False else: try: run() except timeout_decorator.timeout_decorator.TimeoutError: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) except RanIntoSomethingError: os.system('stty -raw echo') print('', end='\r\n') if size + 1 >= (height-3) * (width-1): print('You won!', end='\r\n') else: print('Well, you ran into something and the game is over.', end='\r\n') print(f'Your final score was {score}', end='\r\n') print('', end='\r\n') finally: os.system('stty -raw echo')