A GPTC model to classify American news as right- or left-leaning
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1 year ago
import gptc
states = [
"New Hampshire",
"New Jersey",
"New Mexico",
"New York",
"North Carolina",
"North Dakota",
"Rhode Island",
"South Carolina",
"South Dakota",
"West Virginia",
with open("model.gptc", "rb") as f:
model = gptc.deserialize(f)
classified_states = []
for state in states:
classified_states.append((state, model.get(state),))
classified_states.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]["left"])
longest = max([len(state) for state in states])
print("# State Analysis")
print("""This is an analysis of which states are mentioned more in right- or left-
leaning American news sources. Results do not necessarily correlate with the
political views of residents of the states; for example, the predominantly
liberal state of Oregon is mentioned more in right-leaning sources than in
left-leaning ones.""")
print("| State | Left | Right |")
for state, data in classified_states:
percent_right = f"{round(data['right']*1000)/10}%"
percent_left = f"{round(data['left']*1000)/10}%"
state_padding = " "*(longest - len(state))
print(f"| {state}{state_padding} | {percent_left} | {percent_right} |")
print("| State | Left | Right |")